However,we now recommend our "hard" petition.
Jason Lee's petition
Stefanie Cramer's petition
Team Twin Towers petition also linked from their site.
Vincent Franco's petition
Jason Maeng's petition
Concerns broader city planning also
Goldstein's petition More against the FT,few specs on new Towers
Brendan P.
Byrne's petitionNew--he supports the Gardner-Belton plan but
the petition just says taller new Twin Towers
No longer open for signature:
Kathryn McGinley's petition
Craig Truglia's petition
Gary Taustine's petition calls for a public vote
on the site development
The "No Ashes" petition against a mausoleum
Joy Goldberg's
"Healing" petition
Joy Goldberg's
"NY is Ours" petition
The World Trade Center towers MUST rise again,
at least as tall as before...or terror has triumphed.