Unlike SBD's estimates,the actuals (available later)
Run by a former ERC president,now the archive site for's Boxoffice page.
Nielsen Entertainment Data
The other main professional gathering source.Java-dependent site
Chuck Kahn's All-time
Name your range of years,domestic or overseas...this is
searchable though there are holes in it.
Craig's Flick Picks
A site with more archives.
Box Office Guru
Top-20 with lots of commentary and some archive files.By Gitesh Pandya.'s Box Office Jedi Mojo
Founded by archiver-predictor Brandon Gray.
MovieWeb Top 25s
Another weekend register,part of a larger site.
The Movie Times
More data,more archives,more links.
Box Office Report
A predictor-reporter named Daniel who now works for
Box Office Pro From the National Association of Theater Owners.
Lee's Movie Info
Linked to immediately above,one of those that run prediction contests.
Corona's Coming Attractions
A source for facts and guesses about future films.Now relocated via the
Cinescape site to
Price Waterhouse Scorecard
The URL appears a casualty of the 7/1998 Price Waterhouse/
Coopers & Lybrand merger,we're not sure yet about the data
Only available Tuesday-Saturday,the complete Reuters/Variety top 60
films for the previous weekend,with totals to date and comparison to
previous.Here's some July and August 1998
here's current bare bones.
Washington Post All-time LeadersWent stale,2006
Every film that has grossed $100
million or more in the USA/Canada,updated weekly(some stuff slips by).
The Mr. Showbiz Inflation-Adjusted List
Reissues may be added
late,but this tries to even out the effect of changing ticket prices
(GWTW is still #1).Site not working now
Inflation-Adjusted Comparisons
Maintained locally
Wu's History
of leaders
The top 10s for 1997-Nov 1999 with some comments.
Rob's Box Office Page
Another archiver-predictor.Plenty of links but slow to update.
As in,looks like never.
Box Office Karma
This site compared how the various predictors do!
This is just one Web project here.