The 1997 Eastern Sectional Figure Skating Championships
Cantiague Figure Skating Club
Advertising Contract
Advertiser:_______________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________ City:________________________________________________ State:_________ Zip:__________ Individual or Agency Contact:____________________________ Telephone:___________
The Advertiser hereby contracts for advertising in the 1997 Easterns Sectional Figure Skating Championships Souvenir
Journal, to be published in conjunction with the Eastern Sectional Figure Skating Championships, December 3 - 7, 1996.
Please check desired ad size.
Terms & Conditions
Closing date for all orders is November 15, 1996. All copy must be received by the closing date.
The entire layout for the advertisement and all reproduction materials and mechanicals should be furnished camera-ready by the
Advertisers. Advertisers will be billed for typesetting services in cases where ads are not camera-ready. The committee reserves
the right to decline any advertising which does not meet with their approval or where the requested advertising space is not
available before or after the published closing date, November 15, 1996.
Publisher reserves the right for positioning of advertisements except where specific preferred positions are requested and
approved in advance. Requests for specific positions will be honored in the order received, as available.
The Advertiser and Advertising Agency assume liability for all contents for advertisement printed, and any claims that are a result
of the advertisement against the publisher.
This Advertising Contract, properly signed below, and all necessary production materials are to be returned by November 15, 1996
in order to meet deadlines. Full payment, made payable to "The Cantiague Figure Skating Club" must be included with the
contract, otherwise publication of the ad cannot be assured. A copy of the program will be sent to each advertiser at no charge.
All materials are destroyed one year after publication unless Advertiser provides instructions for the return of artwork.
I hereby agree to the above conditions, please reserve the following size advertisement in the program for the 1997
Eastern Sectional Figure Skating Championships.
Signature: _____________________________________ Date: __________ Ad Size: ___________
Special Comments: __________________________________________________________________________
Print out a copy of this contract and fill it in. Please send the contract, payment, and advertising material to:
Cantiague Figure Skating Club, Inc.
Post Office Box 220
Hicksville, New York 11802-0220
(516) 956-0600