A power-tower of a
Zurvanic Absolute Number
the Zurvanic Absolute Number
the Zurvanic Absolute Number
Zurvanic Absolute Numbers,
each surrounded by Moser polygons of a number equal to
the Zurvanic Absolute Number times the Zurvanic Absolute Number power of
its upward-counting ordinal as every term in a
Zurvanic Absolute Number dimensional Bowers array,
each polygon having a number of sides equal to
the number of Zurvanic Absolute Numbers,raised to itself
the-Zurvanic-Absolute-Number-popbled Zurvanic Absolute Numbers
of times,
popbled a number of times equal to
the Zurvanic Absolute Number in a
a power tower of the number of polygons surrounding that particular
Zurvanic Absolute Number
raised to
the Zurvanic Absolute Number times its Zurvanic Absolute Number power
in a number of layers equal to
the Zurvanic Absolute Number times the Zurvanic Absolute Number power of
the Zurvanic Absolute Number
the whole popbled
the Zurvanic Absolute Number
the number of times expressed by a chain of Conway arrows between
every number rising from twenty-nine to the
Zurvanic Absolute Number power of the Zurvanic Absolute Number power of
the Zurvanic Absolute Number,
the Zurvanic Absolute Number
the Zurvanic Absolute Number of
times to the Zurvanic Absolute Number,
each number repeated
the Zurvanic Absolute Number of times,
is defined as "the Number a",
first of The Alphabet Numbers.
The convoluted collection of operations described above is the Alphabet
Number function.
Perform the Alphabet Number Function on The Number a
(substituted in each instance for the Zurvanic Absolute Number) and
repeat a times,and you reach the Number A,perform it on
A repeating A times and you reach The Number b,
and so on through the alphabet.
Performing the function on the Number Z that many times yields
the Number aa,followed in sequence by aA,ab,and
so forth...after aZ comes Aa,after ZZ comes
aaa,and so on.
In this terminology,we quickly realize that
TWO plus
TWO is a lot less than FOUR,
which is more than SIX but much less than ZERO,while
every number discussed so far is a great deal less than
We also discover that SOMETHING is much greater than
INFINITY even though it doesn't come close to
And we realize that we need even more methods of conveying numbers much
The number expressed by THAT many Zs is
while the number expressed by using that many colons to separate
Zs is
Alphabet Numbers separated by N colons convert to
{(first alphabet number)((N-1 colons,second alphabet number -1) repeated
second alphabet number -1 times)}
To convey using that many layers of square brackets use
Brackets resolve from inside to out and right to left.
means FOUR repetitions of THREE is the number of repetitions
of TWO needed to express the number of repetitions of ONE to
express the intended number,while
means THREE repetitions of TWO is the number of colons
to calculate with in repeating FOUR repetitions of FOUR
(working leftward and repeating FOUR each successively calculated
number of times) to get the number of repetitions of ONE.
The rightmost bracket closes all unclosed pairs,if any are outstanding.
The Number
Zs express Epstein's First Number,or E(1)...
in full "E(1,0,0,0,0...)" as explained hereafter.
1.Popble E(n) E(n) times.
2.Perform the Alphabet Number Function on the number resulting
from Step 1,that many times.
3.The Number expressed by the number resulting from Step 2
Zs is then substituted for
appearance in the expression defining E(1) (retaining the
two factorials),and this is repeated that many times.
4.Steps 1-3 are repeated E(n) times.
E(E(E(E(E(...E(n) layers...(n))))))
is also E(n,1).
E(E(E(E(E(...E(n,1) layers...(n,1))))))
is also E(n,2).
E(E(E(E(E(...E(E(n),E(n)layers) layers...(E(n),E(n)))))))
is also E(n,1,1).
E(E(E(E(E(...E(E(E(n),E(n),E(n)),(E(n),E(n),E(n) layers)layers)
is also E(n,1,1,1).
Of course that's so easily beatable...
the Second Nominated Number with
the Number expressed by
the Second Nominated Number,with the Alphabet Number function performed
upon it
the number of times expressed by a chain of Conway arrows
between ten repetitions of every number from five to itself ultrexed twice
to its factorial,
of this number of repetitions
interpolated after the
first "THIS",and E(that number of repetitions) repetitions
of that number interpolated after the first "NUMBER",and
the number of layers of E-subscripting before the immediately
preceding number is used to to get the number and its
number of repetitions raised to itself in a power-tower of
the immediately preceding number of times after every succeeding
array generation(Alphabet Number in the specification).
This is the embryo of the Epstein Number Nominating
From this point,to get from Unofficially Nominated Number n
to Unofficially Nominated Number n+1,a similar interpolation
of additional generations is performed as follows.
1.After the first specified generation in EUNN n,
add the Alphabet Number described by
EUNN n with the Alphabet Number Function performed upon it
E(1,2,3,...E(EUNN n)) times,
repetitions of that Alphabet Number.
2.After each succeeding generation,interpolate
EE(...number of layers of subscripting equal to number interpolated
after preceding generation raised to itself in a power tower of a number
of layers equal to itself)(number interpolated in previous
generation))) repetitions of this new number of
3.Repeat steps 1 and 2,substituting the entire number achieved
after step 2 for EUNN n in step 1,
E(1,2,3,4,...E(E(EUNN n layers of subscripting)(EUNN
n))) times.
When EUNN n reaches E(1,2,3,...EE(Epstein's Third Unofficially Nominated number of layers of subscripts)(Epstein's Third Unofficially Nominated Number))) we have reached Epstein's One Step Toward A Little Bit Seriously Nominated Number.
The increment in EUNN n to take ESTALBSNN n to n + 1 is the
E(1,1,2,2,3,3...EE(ESTALBSNN n layers of
n,repeated ESTALBSNN n times)))
power of the previous number.
When ESTALBSNN n reaches E((every integer from 1 repeated twice its square times)...E(E(EEpstein's Fourth Step Toward A Little Bit Seriously Nominated Number) layers of subscripts)(Epstein's Fourth Step Toward a Little Bit Seriously Nominated Number,repeated E(Epstein's Fourth Step Toward a Little Bit Seriously Nominated Number) times))) we have reached Epstein's First A Little Bit Seriously Nominated Number.
The increment in ESTALBSNN n to take EALBSNN n to n+1 is a power tower of the previous increment raised to E((every integer from 1 repeated thrice its cube times)...E(E(EALBSNN n,repeated E(EALBSNN n layers of subscripts) layers of subscripts)(EALBSNN n), repeated that many times)))) that many times.
When EALBSNN n reaches E((every integer from 1 repeated four times its fourth power times)...E(E(EEpstein's Fifth A Little Bit Seriously Nominated Number,repeated Epstein's Fifth A Little Bit Seriously Nominated Number times ) layers of subscripts)(E(Epstein's Fifth A Little Bit Seriously Nominated Number,repeated Epstein's Fifth A Little Bit Seriously Nominated Number times),repeated E(Epstein's Fifth A Little Bit Seriously Nominated Number) times))) we have reached Epstein's First Step Toward Semi-Seriously Nominated Number.
The increment in EALBSNN n to take ESTSSNN n to n + 1 is a power tower of E(the previous increment raised to E((every integer from 1 repeated four times its fifth power times)...E(E(ESTSSNN n,repeated E(E(ESTSSNN n,repeated ESTSSNN n times) layers of subscripts) layers of subscripts)(ESTSSNN n), repeated that many times)))) that many times) raised to itself that many times.
When ESTSSNN n reaches EE((every integer from 1 repeated four times its sixth power times)...E(E(E(Epstein's Sixth Step Toward Semi-Seriously Nominated Number,repeated E(Epstein's Sixth Step Toward Semi-Seriously Nominated Number) times ) layers of subscripts)(E(Epstein's Sixth Step Toward Semi-Seriously Nominated Number,repeated E(Epstein's Sixth Step Toward Semi-Seriously Nominated Number) times),repeated E(Epstein's Sixth Step Toward Semi-Seriously Nominated Number) times)))) we have reached Epstein's First Semi-Seriously Nominated Number.
The increment in ESTSSNN n to take ESSNN n to n + 1 is a power tower of E(the previous increment raised to E((every integer from 1 repeated four times its seventh power times)...E(E(ESSNN n,repeated E(E(ESSNN n,repeated E(E(ESSNN n,repeated ESSNN n times) times) layers of subscripts) layers of subscripts)(E(ESSNN n,repeated ESSNN n times)), repeated that many times)))) that many times) raised to itself E(that many times) times.
When ESSNN n reaches EE((every integer from 1 repeated four times its eighth power times)...E(E(E(Epstein's Seventh Semi-Seriously Nominated Number,repeated E(Epstein's Seventh Semi-Seriously Nominated Number) times ) layers of subscripts)(E(Epstein's Seventh Semi-Seriously Nominated Number,repeated E(Epstein's Seventh Semi-Seriously Nominated Number) times),repeated E(Epstein's Seventh Semi-Seriously Nominated Number) times))),repeated E(that many times) times) we have reached Epstein's First Step Toward Almost Seriously Nominated Number.
The increment in ESSNN n to take ESTASNN n to n + 1 is a power tower of E(the previous increment raised to E((every integer from 1 repeated four times its ninth power times)...E(E(ESTASNN n,repeated E(E(ESTASNN n,repeated E(E(ESTASNN n,repeated E(ESTASNN n,repeated ESTASNN n times) times) times) layers of subscripts) layers of subscripts)(E(ESTASNN n,repeated E(ESTASNN n) times)), repeated that many times)))) that many times) raised to itself E(that many times,repeated E(that many times) times) times.
When ESTASNN n reaches EE((every integer from 1 repeated five times its tenth power times)...E(E(E(Epstein's Eighth Step Toward Almost Seriously Nominated Number,repeated E(Epstein's Eighth Step Toward AlmostSeriously Nominated Number) times ) layers of subscripts)(E(Epstein's Eighth Step Toward Almost Seriously Nominated Number,repeated E(Epstein's Eighth Step Toward Almost Seriously Nominated Number) times),repeated E (Epstein's Eighth Step Toward Almost Seriously Nominated Number, repeated E(Epstein's Eighth Step Toward Almost Seriously Nominated Number) times) times))),repeated E(that many times,repeated E(that many times)times ) times) we have reached Epstein's First Almost Seriously Nominated Number.
The increment in ESTASNN n to take EASNN n to n + 1 is a power tower of E(the previous increment raised to E((every integer from 1 repeated six times its twelfth power times)...E(E(EASNN n,repeated E(E(EASNN n,repeated E(E(EASNN n,repeated E(EASNN n,repeated E(EASNNN n,repeated EASNN n times) times) times) times) layers of subscripts) layers of subscripts)(E(EASNN n,repeated E(EASNN n,repeated EASNN n times) times)), repeated that many times)))) that many times) raised to itself E(that many times,repeated E(E(that many times)) times) times.
When EASNN n reaches EE((every integer from 1 repeated ten times its twentieth power times)...E(E(E(Epstein's Ninth Almost Seriously Nominated Number,repeated E(Epstein's Ninth Almost Seriously Nominated Number,repeated E(Epstein's Ninth Almost Seriously Nominated Number) times) times ) layers of subscripts)(E(Epstein's Ninth Almost Seriously Nominated Number,repeated E(Epstein's Ninth Almost Seriously Nominated Number) times),repeated E (Epstein's Ninth Almost Seriously Nominated Number, repeated E(Epstein's Ninth Almost Seriously Nominated Number) times) times))),repeated E(that many times,repeated E(that many times)times ) times) we have reached Epstein's First Step Toward Seriously Nominated Number.
The increment in EASNN n to take ESTSNN n to n + 1 is a power tower of E(the previous increment raised to E((every integer from 1 repeated ten times its twenty-fifth power popbled times)...E(E(ESTSNN n,repeated E(E(ESTSNN n,repeated E(E(ESTSNN n,repeated E(ESTSNN n,repeated E(ESTSNN n,repeated E(ESTSNN n) times) times) times) times) layers of subscripts) layers of subscripts)(E(ESTSNN n,repeated E(ESTSNN n,repeated E(ESTSNN n) times) times)), repeated that many times)))) that many times) raised to itself E(E(that many times),repeated E(E(E(that many times))) times) times.
When ESTSNN n reaches EE((every integer from 1 repeated twenty times its thirtieth power popbled times)...E(E(E(Epstein's Tenth Step Toward Seriously Nominated Number,repeated E(Epstein's Tenth Step Toward Seriously Nominated Number,repeated E(Epstein's Tenth Step Toward Seriously Nominated Number) times) times ) layers of subscripts)(E(Epstein's Tenth Step Toward Seriously Nominated Number,repeated E(Epstein's Tenth Step Toward Seriously Nominated Number) times),repeated E (Epstein's Tenth Step Toward Seriously Nominated Number, repeated E(Epstein's Tenth Step Toward Seriously Nominated Number,repeated E(Epstein's Tenth Step Toward Seriously Nominated Number) times) times) times))),repeated E(that many times,repeated E(that many times)times ) times) we have at last reached Epstein's First Seriously Nominated Number.
The increment in ESTSNN n to take ESNN n to n + 1 is a power tower of E(the previous increment raised to E((every integer from 1 repeated twenty-two times its fortieth power,popbled twice,times)...E(E(ESNN n,repeated E(E(ESNN n,repeated E(E(ESNN n,repeated E(ESNN n,repeated E(E(ESNN n),repeated E(ESNN n) times) times) times) times) layers of subscripts) layers of subscripts)(E(E(ESNN n),repeated E(ESNN n,repeated E(ESNN n,repreated ESNN n times)) times) times)), repeated that many times)))) that many times) raised to itself E(E(that many times),repeated E(E(E(that many times))) times) times.
The one expressed by the
E((every integer starting with 1,repeated E(E(nn... in a
power tower of nn layers) layers of subscripts)(nn...
in a power tower of nn layers)) times...to the
last repetition of E(E(Epstein's First Seriously Nominated
Number layers of subscripts)(Epstein's First Seriously Nominated Number,
repeated E(Epstein's First Seriously Nominated Number) times))
Seriously Nominated Number of
all bracketed and individually separated by like number of
colons in each instance.
E(E(E(...(E(Transitional Nominee,repeated E(Transitional Nominee)
times) layers of subscripts)...(E(1),E(1,1),etc until we reach
E(every integer starting with 1,repeated E(E(nn... in a
power tower of nn... in a power tower of
E(nn,repeated E(Transitional Nominee) times) layers)
layers of subscripts)(nn...
in a power tower of E(nn) layers)) times...to the
last repetition of E(E(E(Transitional Nominee)
layers of subscripts)(E(Transitional Nominee),
repeated E(Transitional Nominee,repeated E(Transitional Nominee)
is Epstein's First Really Seriously Nominated Number,or
To increment E1RnSNN to
E1Rn+1SNN one must substitute
(E((E1R1SNN)layers of subscripts)
(E(every integer starting with 1,repeated
E1R1SNN raised to itself in a power
tower of E1R1SNN layers,times,to the
last repetition of
E(E(E(E1R1SNN))layers of
repeated E((E1R1SNN),repeated
for every occurrence of
"Transitional Nominee" in the above formula if n=1,and
this formula,with every occurrence of
E1Rn-1SNN replaced by
in every amended formula thereafter.
When n of E1RnSNN reaches E(E1RE(E1R1SNN layers of subscripts)((E1R1SNN,repeated E(E1R2SNN) times))SNN) we have reached Epstein's First Really,Really Seriously Nominated Number or E2R1SNN.
Hereafter,EnRE(E(EnRE(n)SNN) layers of subscripts)((EnRE(n)SNN,repeated E(EnRE(n,n)SNN) times))SNN = En+1R1SNN.
The formula for incrementing the subscripted R-number in succeeding generations of the superscripted-prefixed R number is modified by requiring that the substitution of the expanded formula for each occurrence of the subscripted number take place not once,but EnR1SNN times.
Of course n in nR is like the number of an Epstein
number just shorthand for (n,0,0,0,0...).
is also E(n,1)R1SNN.
is also E(n,2)R1SNN.
is also E(n,1,1)R1SNN.
EE(E(E(E(E(...E(E(E(n),E(n),E(n)),(E(n),E(n),E(n) layers)layers)
is also E(n,1,1,1)R1SNN.
Armed with this escalation formula,we proceed to define the
The preceding superscript of R has as its comma-separated generations
every integer starting with 1,repeated
(every integer from 1 to
raised to itself in a power
tower of E
(every integer from 1 to EE9R9SNN
R9SNN) layers,times,to the
last repetition of
E(E(E(E(9,9)RE(9)SNN))layers of
repeated E((E9R9SNN),repeated
4.Repeat step 3 with the set of integers between 3 and the Terminal
Number,then the set between 4 and the Terminal Number,etc.
The subscript of this number is E(First Kingmaker Number repetitions of
Terminal Number).
Since I was implored by a reader who stayed up until 1 AM reading the
previous nomination to keep going...
EE(E...E(EEnSNN,repeated E(EEnSNN,repeated...
(E(EEnSNN,repeated E(EEnSNN)times repetitions of
this)...times)times) layers of subscripts)
E(EEnSNN,repeated E (EEnSNN,repeated E(EEnSNN,
repeated... (E(EEnSNN,repeated E(EEnSNN)times repetitions of
this)...times)times) layers of subscripts...(E(E(E(EEnSNN)))
= EEn+1SNN.
When n reaches E(the following sequence:) we have reached Epstein's First Extra Extraordinarily Seriously
Nominated Number,or EE1ESNN,which starts a new
Incrementing EEnESNN uses the formula used for incrementing
EEnSNN except that EEnESNN is substituted for
EEnSNN on every occasion and in the specifications of the
numbers of layers of subscripts and of the repetitions,this substitution
of the full number of subscripts and repetitions for the specified
number is then repeated EEnESNN times.
When this latest n reaches E(the following sequence:)
we reach another arbitary turning point number.
Incrementing EVnESNN uses the formula used for incrementing
EEnESNN except that EVnESNN is substituted for
EEnESNN on every occasion and in the specifications of the
numbers of layers of subscripts and of the repetitions,this substitution
of the full number of subscripts and repetitions for the specified
number is then repeated EV(EVnESNN layers of
subscripts)(E(EVnESNN),repeated E(EVnESNN)
times)ESNN times.
When the number of subscripts in EVnESNN
and this latest n reaches EV(the following
we reach another passing Kingmaker-Number...
Incrementing E2VnESNN uses the formula used for
EVnESNN except that E2VnESNN is
substituted for
EVnESNN on every occasion and in the specifications of the
numbers of layers of subscripts and of the repetitions,this substitution
of the full number of subscripts and repetitions for the specified
number is then repeated EV(E2VnESNN layers of
E2V(E(n,n,n))ESNN times)
times)ESNN times.
Getting this page back up calls for
Popble the Alphabet Number with "Resurrection Celebration Number 2"
Zs 2020 times.
My next nominee as largest calculatable number is
So my next nominee as largest calculatable number was
the Blindingly Big Number:
The day after that I realized that function was weak tea and came up
with the Ladder Hyper-Operating Transformer Function
which could enable substantially greater numbers,that would blind one to
the Blindingly Big Number for good reason...
So my NEW nominee as largest calculatable number was the Big LHOT:
(Big LHOT popbled Big LHOT times){s}→
Popble the Restless Number
quettillia-ronnillia'quettillio-ronnillio-quettillion times
and call the resulting number Second Order a.
Place Second Order a in the Alphabet Number function,
performing the function that many times,to yield Second Order
A,and continue through every calculation on this page
to redefine new-order Alphabet Numbers,Epstein Numbers,and so forth,
using the new order versions in the definitions.
When you reach the Second Order Restless Number,popble it as many times
as the first was,and repeat all the calculations in defining new
Third Order Alphabet Numbers,Epstein Numbers,etc. used to define
their counterparts.
Repeat all steps before this one twice.
Repeat all steps before this one three times.
Repeat all steps before this one four times...
...and so forth until you have made the repetition cycle of producing
new order numbers that is Restless-Number-popbled-E(TWENTY,
steps long...producing the latest-order reincarnation of the Restless
The 2022 Contender is the latest-order Alphabet Number with that many Zs
each separated by that many colons.
Perform all the calculations,using this order,to turn that a
into the 2022 Contender of that new order.
Repeat all steps before this one twice.
Repeat all steps before this one three times.
Repeat all steps before this one four times...
...when you reach the 2022-Contender-steps-number
of repetition cycles,"reverse gear with a square"...
the next set of repetitions is 2022-Contender-minus-one
squared,then 2022-Contender minus-two-squared,and so
on down the squares until you get to a cycle of four
repetitions,then do three-cubed repetitions,four-cubed,
and so on until you get up to 2022-Contender-minus-two cubed,
then again reverse incrementing the exponent until you get
down to three to the fourth,reverse incrementing starting
with four to the fifth,up to 2022-Contender-minus-three
to the fifth,reverse using sixth powers,and so on with
just-one-short cycles reversing with higher powers until
there is no room to reverse.
At that point,create a new-order a and do all
the steps to reach that order's 2022 Contender,
and repeat ALL foregoing steps 2022-Contender-popbled
The 2023 Contender is the latest-order Alphabet Number with that many
Zs each separated by 2023 times that many colons.
...oh,and the second 2023 Contender is the latest-order
Alphabet Number with E(2023,Contender,[the 2023 Contender],...
repeated 2023 Contender times,E(E((2023,Contender,[the 2023 Contender],...
repeated 2023-Contender-squared times,E(E(E(2023,Contender,[the 2023
Contender],...repeated 2023-Contender-cubed times,...and so on until the cycle
of 2023-Contender-raised-to-2023-Contender-popbled-2023-Contender-times times,
followed by the same sequence with ContendeR substituted for each
Contender,followed by the same sequence with ContendEr,and so on
with each case combination in ascending order until CONTENDER is used)
Zs each separated by E(2023) times that many colons.
Prove another comparably calculable number is bigger,and I'll go
Keep counting...
Louis Epstein
The subscript is E(9,9,9)RE(9,9,9)SNN.
And the First Kingmaker Number is that many Zs
individually separated by as many colons within a set of brackets.
Awarding the Next Transitional Nomination....
The superscript of the number that at this point bears my nomination as
largest named number is
1.Every integer from 1 to E(First Kingmaker NumberKingmaker
Number repetitions of every number from 1 to E(First Kingmaker
Number))R(E(First Kingmaker Number))SNN,
each number repeated (E(n) layers of subscripts)(E(E(n) repeated E(n)
times)).We shall call the designated maximum number here the
Terminal Number.
2.Every possible sequence of any two integers,duplication permitted
between 1 and the Terminal Number...each sequence ordered in ascending
order of Epstein Number value potential,each repeated (E(the sequence)
layers of subscripts)(E(E(the sequence) repeated E(the sequence)
Then every possible sequence of three integers between 1 and the
Terminal Number,likewise.
Then every possible sequence of four integers between 1 and the
Terminal Number,likewise...et cetera.
3.After the last repetition of the entire sequence of integers,
repeat steps 1 and 2 working out of the set of integers between
2 and the Terminal Number,with the number of layers of subscripts,
and of the repetitions of each E(number) or E(sequence) in defining
the number of repetitions,raised to a power tower with the Kingmaker
Number as the base,followed by E(n)(or E(sequence)) layers of E(n) (or
E(sequence)) followed by a number of ascending layers of First Kingmaker
Numbers defined by the value of the E-layers.
5.Repeat steps 1-4 E(First Kingmaker Number) times,with the number of
subscripts/repetitions never resetting but continuing to be exponentiated
Getting Extraordinarily Serious
EEE(E(...E(E(last transitional nominee layers of
transitional nominee,repeated E(last transitional nominee) times)
layers of subscripts)...(E(Alphabet Number represented by last
transitional nominee Zs,repeated E(E(that Alphabet Number,repeated
E(that Alphabet Number) times) times)
RE(E(last transitional nominee,repeated E(E(last
transitional nominee,repeated E(last transitional nominee)
is Epstein's First Extraordinarily Seriously Nominated Number,or
1.Every integer from 1 to
E(E(EE1SNNEE2SNN...(power tower rising to
EEEE999SNNSNN)) repetitions of every number
each number repeated (E(EEnSNN) layers of subscripts)
(E(E(EEnSNN) repeated E((EEnSNN)
We shall call the designated maximum number here the
first terminal number of this specification.
2.Every possible sequence of any two integers,duplication permitted
between 1 and the terminal number...each sequence ordered in ascending
order of Epstein Number value potential,each repeated (E(the sequence)
layers of subscripts)(E(E(the sequence) repeated E(the sequence)
Then every possible sequence of three integers between 1 and the
terminal number,likewise.(always no limit on duplicate numbers)
Then every possible sequence of four integers between 1 and the
terminal number,likewise...et cetera.
3.After the last repetition of the entire sequence of integers,
repeat steps 1 and 2 working out of the set of integers between
2 and the terminal number,with the number of layers of subscripts,
and of the repetitions of each E(number) or E(sequence) in defining
the number of repetitions,raised to a power tower with the terminal
number as the base,followed by E(E(n))(or E(E)sequence))) layers of
E(E(n)) (or E(E(sequence))) followed by a number of ascending layers of
EEn counting up from 1SNN numbers
defined by the value of the E-layers.
4.Repeat step 3 with the set of integers between 3 and the terminal
number,then the set between 4 and the terminal number,etc.
5.Repeat steps 1-4 E(first terminal number) times,with the number of
subscripts/repetitions never resetting but continuing to be exponentiated
6.Repeat steps 1-5 E(E...(E(first terminal number) layers of subscripts)
(E(first terminal number),repeated E(first terminal number) times) times,
substituting the number of repetitions used for the final sequence
of numbers in the last cycle of step 5 for the first terminal number.
EEEEEE...EEnESNN layers...
1.Every integer from 1 to
E(E(EE1ESNNEE2ESNN...(power tower rising to
EEEE(999 layers of subscripts)
repetitions of every number
from 1 to
E(E(EEEE...E(999) layers of
ESNN times)
each number repeated (E(EEnESNN) layers of subscripts)
(E(E(EEnESNN) repeated E((EEnESNN)
We again call the designated maximum number here the
first terminal number of this specification.
2.Every possible sequence of any two integers,duplication permitted
between 1 and the terminal number...each sequence ordered in ascending
order of Epstein Number value potential,each repeated (E(
EE(the sequence)ESNN)
layers of subscripts)(E(E(EE(the sequence)ESNN) repeated
E(EE(the sequence)ESNN times)).
Then every possible sequence of three integers between 1 and the
terminal number,likewise.(always no limit on duplicate numbers)
Then every possible sequence of four integers between 1 and the
terminal number,likewise...et cetera.
3.After the last repetition of the entire sequence of integers,
repeat steps 1 and 2 working out of the set of integers between
2 and the terminal number,with the number of layers of subscripts,
and of the repetitions of each E(number) or E(sequence) in defining
the number of repetitions,raised to a power tower with the terminal
number as the base,followed by E(E(EEnESNN))
(or E(E(EEsequenceESNN)))
layers of
E(E(EEnESNN)) (or E(E(EEsequenceESNN))) followed by
a number of ascending layers of
EEn counting up from 1ESNN numbers
defined by the value of the E-layers.
4.Repeat step 3 with the set of integers between 3 and the terminal
number,then the set between 4 and the terminal number,etc.
5.Repeat steps 1-4 E(first terminal number) times,with the number of
subscripts/repetitions never resetting but continuing to be exponentiated
6.Repeat steps 1-5 E(E...(E(EEfirst terminal numberESNN) layers
of subscripts)(E(EEfirst terminal numberESNN),repeated
(EE(EEfirst terminal numberESNN)ESNN layers
of subscripts)(EEfirst terminal numberESNN,repeated
(EEfirst terminal numberESNN)times)) times) times,
substituting the number of repetitions used for the final sequence
of numbers in the last cycle of step 5 for the first terminal number.
When we take the Alphabet Number represented by this many Zs
each separated by a like number of colons and a layer of nesting
curly and square brackets,we plug it into this:EEE...(repeat this E...(repeat this E this
Alphabet NumberE(E(this Alphabet Number)ESNN times)
(E(E(this Alphabet Number))EE(This Alphabet
E(E(this Alphabet Number)ESNN times)
E(E(this Alphabet Number)ESNN times)
E(E(this Alphabet Number)ESNN
(The number of superscripting layers is invoked upon the number of
superscripting layers the like number of times)
to yield Epstein's First Very Extraordinarily Seriously Nominated
Number,or EV1ESNN,
1.Every integer from 1 to
E(E(EV1ESNNEV2ESNN...(power tower rising to
EVEV(E(9,9,9) layers of subscripts)
repetitions of every number
from 1 to
E(E(EVEV...E(9,9,9) layers of
ESNN times)
each number repeated (E(EVnESNN) layers of subscripts)
(E(E(EVnESNN) repeated E((EVnESNN)
We again call the designated maximum number here the
"first terminal number" of this specification.
2.Every possible sequence of any two integers,duplication permitted
between 1 and the terminal number...each sequence ordered in ascending
order of Epstein Number value potential,each repeated (E(
EV(the sequence)ESNN)
layers of subscripts)(E(E(EV(the sequence)ESNN) repeated
E(EV(the sequence)ESNN times)).
Then every possible sequence of three integers between 1 and the
terminal number,likewise.(always no limit on duplicate numbers)
Then every possible sequence of four integers between 1 and the
terminal number,likewise...et cetera.
3.After the last repetition of the entire sequence of integers,
repeat steps 1 and 2 working out of the set of integers between
2 and the terminal number,with the number of layers of subscripts,
and of the repetitions of each E(number) or E(sequence) in defining
the number of repetitions,raised to a power tower with the terminal
number as the base,followed by E(E(EVnESNN))
(or E(E(EVsequenceESNN)))
layers of
E(E(EVnESNN)) (or E(E(EVsequenceESNN))) followed by
a number of ascending layers of
EVEVn counting up from 1ESNNESNN numbers
defined by the value of the E-layers.
4.Repeat step 3 with the set of integers between 3 and the terminal
number,then the set between 4 and the terminal number,etc.
5.Repeat steps 1-4 EV(first terminal number)ESNN times,with the
number of subscripts/repetitions never resetting but continuing to be
exponentiated throughout.
6.Repeat steps 1-5 E(E...(E(EVfirst terminal numberESNN) layers
of subscripts)(E(EVfirst terminal numberESNN),repeated
(E(EVfirst terminal numberESNN)layers of subscripts)
E(EVfirst terminal numberESNN,repeated
(EVE(first terminal number,repeated itself ultrexed
itself times to itself times)ESNN)times)) times) times,
substituting the number of repetitions used for the final sequence
of numbers in the last cycle of step 5 for the first terminal number.
7.Repeat steps 1-6 EV(number of subscripts equal to the number of times
steps 1-5 were repeated in the previous repetition of step 6)(EVthat number,
repeated that many timesESNN,repeated itself cubed times)ESNN
times,substituting the number of repetitions used for the
final sequence of numbers in the last cycle of step 6 for the first
terminal number.
Steps 8-
E(E...(E(EVfirst terminal numberESNN) layers
of subscripts)(E(EVfirst terminal numberESNN),repeated
(E(EVfirst terminal numberESNN)layers of subscripts)
E(EVfirst terminal numberESNN,repeated
(EVE(first terminal number,repeated itself ultrexed
itself times to itself times)ESNN)times)) times) times).
These steps follow the pattern laid out in Step 7,relating to Step
(Step number -1).
The Alphabet Number expressed by that many Zs each separated
by colons,the first two by that many,each working rightward by the
previous number ultrexed that number of times to itself is another,
while if one uses that Alphabet Number as the first terminal number
of the specification used to generate the previous Kingmaker-Number
and then repeats this process that whole Kingmaker Number of times,
one reaches Epstein's first Very,Very Extraordinarily Seriously
Nominated Number,or E2V1ESNN.
each number repeated E2Vthat numberESNN times)
layers of subscripts)
each number repeated E2Vthat number popbled
itself timesESNN times)
will serve as another passing Kingmaker-Number...
The Alphabet Number expressed by that many Zs each separated
by colons,the first two by that many,each working rightward by
raising the number of colons to the
previous number ultrexed that number of times to (itself popbled
itself-Zs ultrexed (itself-{Z:Z}s popbled
itself-{Z::Z::Z}s popbled...(that-Kingmaker-Number-popbled of Zs
layers of nesting))
was my standard-bearing nominee as highest named calculable number
when a disk crash took this page offline in April 2017.
The Resurrection Celebration Number
So let's ultrex the Alphabet Number expressed by
E(every number from 2 to the previous nominee repeated itself ultrexed
itself times to E(E(every number from 1 to itself cubed,repeated E
(every number from 1 to itself to the 4th power,repeated...(so on until
E(every number from 1 to itself to the
E2VE(itself)ESNN power) is
reached) layers of subscripts)times) Z's
and popble that
itself-ultrexed-twice-to-its-cube times.
Resurrection Celebration Number 2
Ultrex the Alphabet Number expressed by
E(every number from 2 to the Resurrection Celebration Number repeated
itself popbled itself times to E(E(every number from 1 to itself cubed,
repeated E(every number from 1 to itself to the 4th power,repeated...
(so on until E(every number from 1 to itself to the
E2VE(itself)ESNN power) is
reached) layers of subscripts)times) Z's
each separated by that-many-raised-to-the-popbled-ordinal-of-the-Z
power and popble that itself-popbled-ten-times-itself-popbled times.
The 2020 Vision Number
The creation of the Hyper-Operating Ultrex Function
motivates a yet greater creation.
(the result of that
popbling)hu',E(20,20)hu'' .
The Blindingly Big Number and the Big LHOT
Of course no sooner had I announced the Hyper-Operating Ultrex Function
than I realised the Simple Hyper-Operating Transformer
Function would be enormously more powerful.
Enough to make the 2020 Vision Number invisible.
(2020 Vision Number)(s)',(2020 Vision number popbled E(20,20)
(Blindingly Big Number)(l)',(Blindingly Big Number popbled
E(T,W,E,N,T,Y,T,W,E,N,T,Y) times)l''The 2021 Contender
Having created the Super Conway function
I decided to give a place in the sun to The Restless Number
Later in 2021 I decided to transfer the spotlight to
The Restless Number,
The Alphabet Number with 2021 Contender Zs popbled
E(AND,{HEEEEEERE:S},THE,2021,CONTENDER,[The 2021 Contender])
The 2022 Contender and new generations
To celebrate the new quetta- and ronna- prefixes and the new URL here
(lekno.ws replacing put.com) we embark on our most complex calculation yet.
The 2023 Contenders...
A new year,another vast calculation of an even larger number:
Perform the Alphabet Number function on the 2022 Contender
times and designate this as the latest order a.
The 2024 Contender...
What's a new year without a new contender?
Treat the Second 2023 Contender as a and perform all operations needed
to take original a to the Second 2023 Contender,then repeat this cycle,
then take the number reached after the repetition as original a> and perform
all calculations necessary to take original a to the number reached after
that repetition,repeat this cycle twice,then take the number reached after that
cycle as original a and perform all calculations needed to take originala
to that number,then repeat this cycle three times,take the then resulting
number as original a...and so forth until you have reached the cycle repeated
times...the foregoing repeated E2024 times) times.
The 2024 Contender is the Alphabet Number with E(E(E(E(E(...E(2024)the just-reached number
If this number feels too small,popble the number the-number-popbled times,
and repeat until the feeling goes away...or
First edition January 4,2016
Second Nominated Number added January 5,2016
HTML tweaks and Third Nominated Number added January 6,2016
Expansion to the Transitional Nominee on January 9th 2016,and
new nominee,followed by Extraordinarily Serious extension,
January 12th.Further nominees January 13th and 15th.
Enhancement with ultrex & nominee tweaks February 4th-11th.
Correction & E2VESNN incrementation added April 4th.
New nominee tweaks July 8th 2016 and March 4th 2017.
Resurrection Celebration September 11th 2017,
second celebration on the 18th,some fixes the 21st.
Revision introducing the 2020 Vision Number April 24,2020,the
Blindingly Big Number April 25,2020,and the Big LHOT April 26,2020.
Link revised for renaming of SHOT April 27,2020.
Revision introducing 2021 Contender January 4,2021.
Restless Number introduced October 2,2021,with a typo fix.
2022 Contender introduced November 28,2022
2023 Contender introduced February 11,2023,typo fixes March 21.
Second 2023 Contender introduced November 12,2023.
2024 Contender introduced January 18,2024.
Do you just want a shortcut to the ultimate
number? (not computable)
A web project of Putnam Internet Services.